Saturday 28 September 2013

Quiberon, Golfe de Morbihan & Vannes

After a beautiful night at anchor outside Port Tudy on the Ile de Groix, we left and crossed the Baie de Quiberon en route to Vannes. We again tried our hand at fishing for French mackerel. They are either unwilling to swim fast enough to catch our lines, or have just outwitted us again:'(. On reaching the Golfe de Morbihan, Vencedor had to fight against swilling tides as water raced passed islands in all directions. For our trouble, we were all treated to another glorious sunset against a red sky. We anchored in Larmor-Baden overnight before heading across the Golfe de Morbihan to Vannes. The Golfe is a navigational challenge, but the scenery was reward-enough, and Vannes is a beautiful picturesque city.

Ate lunch al fresco in the cockpit with cousin's Helen & Trevor, thank you so much for visiting:-) .