Friday 18 October 2013

Bilbao to Gijon

After 2 nights at anchor in Bilbao we decided it was time to move on and headed west to Castro Urdiales. This was a much smaller town with a Knights Templar castle and a 14th century church. A pretty town of narrow streets and a small fishing harbour.
The following day we headed further west intending to stay in the marina at Laredo. Unfortunately the marina was closed and we had a tricky re-entry onto the pontoon, requiring the use of a wheelie bin and some climbing!
We planned to stay in Santander and were pleased to anchor in a stunning bay, overlooking a sandy beach in a lovely part of Santander. A walk along the promenade into the city past incredible houses and gardens, quite an idyllic anchorage. We loved Santander.
After 3 relaxing days in Santander we needed to head on. A lack of marinas and suitable anchorages meant an overnight sail to Gijon (prizes for correct pronunciation!) We arrived in Gijon early in the morning and took a stroll around the city. The following day we undertook some chores (the joys of owning a 30 year old boat), enjoyed a long walk by the beach and found some red squirrels in a nearby park.
With the weather treating to turn Autumnal we headed west towards La Corina.

Bay of Biscay and Bilbao

Tuna was 10/10! Scrummy:-)
We'd done all the preparation for our Bay of Biscay passage, we now just had to set sail. Fortunately we had a gentle NE or E breeze all the way and with just a gentle Atlantic swell, the crossing was almost pleasant. With the cruising chute up, we made a swift dash south to Bilbao, arriving after 46 hours of easy sailing. On the journey we had a menagerie of wildlife to keep us amused. More greenfinches catching moths, a song thrush cadging a lift, pods of dolphins playing in our wake and a couple of whales in the distance. As we reached sight of land, the beautiful mountainous coast of northern Spain rose up with the sun.
We arrived in Bilbao harbour in the afternoon sunshine, a very welcome and beautiful sight. We dropped anchor in the bay and soaked in the sights. Distant mountains, with the urban sprawl of the city along the shore. Early 20th century architecture and the stunning transporter bridge rose elegantly over the river. Lilly was extremely keen to check out the sights and smells of our locale. On returning to the boat we celebrated our successful crossing with a bottle of bubbly, courtesy of Great Aunt Mary and Greay Uncle Philip. Thank-you :-)

Friday 4 October 2013

The Vendee

We left Vannes in the sunshine and headed across the Golfe de Morbihan to an anchorage in a quiet bay. Lilly enjoyed walks along the coastal paths whilst one of us kept up with boating chores. Its a dogs life, always was, and always will be. Right Lilly?
It was an early start with a full days sail ahead from the Golfe to the Ile d'Yeu. Unfortunately the wind was not as forecast, and progress a little slower than hoped. We were pointing towards Spain, not coastal France, however temptation didn't get the better. A pod of dolphins kindly put on quite a show and kept us entertained. If that wasn't enough, we were visited by a tired migrating green finch that hoped to cadge a lift. Lilly was thrilled at the prospect of company, especially in the form of a toy! Had to keep her eyes averted as the little bird headed off after a short snooze. Eventually we arrived at the shores of the Ile d'Yeu in the early hours and dropped anchor.
The Ile d'Yeu is a beautiful little island with a real Mediterranean look to it. We explored the island on our brilliant folding bicycles and had a fantastic day cycling in a warm breeze. Lilly ran alongside when the terrain looked of interest, retreating to her carriage and bed when she was feeling lazy. Later on we returned to the boat to find a filling marina as boats arrived for the famous tuna festival. Bagpipes and the occasional fanfare helped to build the excitement in readiness for tomorrow's festival.

Golfs de Morbihan

Leaving at dawn

Sunset enroute to Ile d'Yeu

Ile d'Yeu