Friday 18 October 2013

Bilbao to Gijon

After 2 nights at anchor in Bilbao we decided it was time to move on and headed west to Castro Urdiales. This was a much smaller town with a Knights Templar castle and a 14th century church. A pretty town of narrow streets and a small fishing harbour.
The following day we headed further west intending to stay in the marina at Laredo. Unfortunately the marina was closed and we had a tricky re-entry onto the pontoon, requiring the use of a wheelie bin and some climbing!
We planned to stay in Santander and were pleased to anchor in a stunning bay, overlooking a sandy beach in a lovely part of Santander. A walk along the promenade into the city past incredible houses and gardens, quite an idyllic anchorage. We loved Santander.
After 3 relaxing days in Santander we needed to head on. A lack of marinas and suitable anchorages meant an overnight sail to Gijon (prizes for correct pronunciation!) We arrived in Gijon early in the morning and took a stroll around the city. The following day we undertook some chores (the joys of owning a 30 year old boat), enjoyed a long walk by the beach and found some red squirrels in a nearby park.
With the weather treating to turn Autumnal we headed west towards La Corina.