Thursday 5 June 2014

Western Algarve

We survived our longest time at sea to date! The trip from Porto Santo to Portugal took us 6 days, we were very relieved to see the Portuguese coast. As we approached the coast we needed to crossing 5 busy shipping lanes, ironic after seeing nothing for 4 days!

We arrived just in time to meet up with Hannah's cousins and her Great Aunt and Uncle. It was wonderful to see them and they treated us to a fantastic barbeque dinner at their apartment in Lagos. Thank You.

After spending 3 days chilling out in Lagos with Hannah's family, we were just thinking of leaving when Mike and Helen on another Colvic arrived!
We were glad we stayed as they invitees us to dinner on their boat and introduced us to their friends who live in Lagos.

We finally left Lagos heading for Alvor, it was only two and a half miles, but taking it slowly, we stopped for a night on the way! Anchoring off the beach just outside Lagos before continuing our journey to Alvor.

We headed off again for Alvor and were challenged by the tricky entrance which is a changing underwater maze of moving sandbars. We headed off as directed by locals only to find our progress challenged by a sandbar in our path! No problem, we just got the kettle on and waited twenty minutes for the tide to rise before continuing up negotiating with the river en route. Alvor is a pretty little town, perfect for relaxing, which is just what we did! We explored the town, ran along the boardwalks, took Lilly for walks along the sandbars at low water (seeing many sea cucumbers marooned at low tide), flew kites, and ended up staying for nearly a week. The joys of nothing planned!!!