Wednesday 16 July 2014

Portuguese Coast

A selection of photos from our trip north from the Algarve to the border with Spain.

We decided to start heading back to the UK a few months earlier than planned, so sailed west back along the Algarve to Portimao.

After several days at anchor we were running out of water, so went into the marina for a couple of days to restock. The folding bikes and trailer were used for exploring the local area and a couple of supermarket trips. With the outboard motor still broken we rowed across the river to Ferragudo and found a lovely restaurant to celebrate Hannah's birthday.

We moved across the estuary to the large and popular anchorage to avoid a summer price increase at the marina. We enjoyed several days of very warm weather, swimming off the boat and rowing ashore to the nearby beaches.

With rising temperatures and a good weather forecast, we decided to leave the Algarve and start heading north. Anchoring for a night in a little cove at Sagres before continuing north along the Atlantic coast of Portugal.

We rounded Cabo de Sao Vicente and continued to Sines with dolphins riding on our bow wave, upon arrival we anchored in the small bay near the beach. We took a day off from sailing to explore the town and take Lilly for a well earned walk.

Continuing northwards the following day we anchored at Sesimbra and Cascais along the way. As we approached Cascais we caught 4 large mackerel, which made a very tasty and filling dinner.

Our next sail north involved an overnight sail in downwind and rolly seas! Our auto-helm decided it wanted a day off so we had to helm ourselves for 36 hours, we were glad to arrive at the river pontoon of Viana do Castello in north Portugal.

The folding bikes enabled us to cycle inland, where we found a wonderful forestry walk. The hilltop of Montedor provided excellent views across the estuary and along the coast. We stayed for several days due to strong northerly winds, before sailing north towards Spain.