Monday 11 August 2014

South Brittany

We spent several nights at anchor in the upper reaches of the River Blavet enjoying the peace and tranquility. However, we had arranged to meet up with Hannah's cousins who live in Brittany, so we headed back down the river to find a suitable anchorage near Port Louis. The anchorage at the Anse de Goerem was fine overnight in the calm conditions, but the following morning we decided to go into the marina at Port Louis.

We met up with Hannah's cousins, enjoyed an excellent lunch ashore and walked around the town and citadel walls in the warm afternoon sunshine. We limited our stay in the marina to one night and headed out to the anchorage at Larmor Plage before sailing Northwest the following day. The anchorages in the entrance to the estuary were great for watching the numerous boats sailing through the narrows and past the citadel.

With westerly winds we had to tack our way up the coast past the Ile de Groix, the Iles de Glenan to the River Odet. Arriving at 2am we decided to anchor in the Anse du Trez before proceeding up the river the following morning. We motored past the busy holiday towns of Benodet and Sainte-Marine, under the road bridge and found a quiet anchorage on a branch of the main river at the Anse de Combrit. Spotting a footpath on the banks of the river, we rowed ashore and walked through woodland into the small town of Combrit.

The following day we rowed ashore with the bikes and cycled down to Ile Tudy, opposite Loctudy, for lunch in one of the cafés. The afternoon was spent cycling, walking along the banks of the River Odet near Les Vire-Court and stocking up on food at a nearby supermarche.

With a good weather forecast we decided to set sail towards the Isles of Scilly and Ireland, our plans were nearly scuppered when the engine wouldn't start! Fortunately the problem was only a loose wire at the starter motor and we were soon on our way. We motored down the River Odet and set sail, rounding the headland of Pointe de Penmarc'h, the Ile de Sein and the Ile d'Ouessant before crossing the shipping lanes and heading for the Isles of Scilly.